It's no secret that I'm a massive fan of Yankee Candle, especially their wax tarts. It's a great way of testing out different scents without spending a fortune, and I often find they smell stronger than the large jars too.
Every year I treat myself to some of the new A/W scents, with a couple of old favourites thrown in. I get mine from eBay. They were on buy 5 get 1 free so I only picked up 6 this time as a few of the new scents were out of stock. Hopefully they'll restock them soon and I'll grab a few more Christmas ones. P.S. If order some, don't forget to use your cashback apps!
Glittering Star (new for 2018)
Icy Blue Spruce (new for 2018)
Winter Wonder (new for 2018)
Winter Glow (one of my absolute faves)
Autumn Pearl (new for 2018)
Season of Peace (another firm winter fave)
What's your favourite scent?
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