Heyy lovelies, I'm back again with another pregnancy update! Can't believe I'm 25 weeks already. For some reason this pregnancy is going so much quicker than my first. I think it's probably because this time I've got George to focus on and I'm just loving life. Before we know it Christmas will have been and gone and then I'll be on serious baby countdown! EEEEEEEEK! Best be ready!
How I've Been Feeling
Ahhh I think I've been really lucky again, as the magical 2nd trimester has just been fantastic. Apart from tiredness which is normal, I've been feeling pretty much spot on. I sometimes forget I'm even pregnant to be honest. I do find that if I've been on my feet all day I get unbelievably tired and on the evening I get restless legs (which, if you've never experienced it, is the most annoying feeling in the world). The headaches have settled down, and my appetite is as good as ever. Loving life!
Cravings/food aversions?
Errrm, do Chocolate Oranges count? Probably not seen as how I get a little obsession with them every year, lol!
I've just had a little look back at my 17 Week Update and I don't even think I look that much different, although I know I must as that was 8 weeks ago. I had my 24 week appointment with the midwife last week and she said I'm measuring perfectly so that's reassuring. I also got to listen to the heartbeat for the first time which was really exciting. For some reason my hospital don't allow you to listen to the heartbeat at the ultrasound scans which I find really odd, so having to wait until 24 weeks to hear it was a killer but definitely worth the wait. Nothing cuter than hearing the sound of your unborn babies heart beating away. I did a little bump comparison of my first and 2nd pregnancies around the same time....
What do we think? I think I'm slightly bigger than last time, but the bump itself seems to be higher up. Perhaps it's a girrrrl? Eeee love a good bump guess. Hit me with your guesses. I'm starting to get to the point now where I find it uncomfortable to lie on my back, get all breathless n shiz. Nightmareee!
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20 Week Scan - 17th October 2014 |
I had my 20 week scan on 17th October, and all was healthy and well with the baby. We decided not to find out the sex as we both wanted a surprise. Fast forward 5 weeks and according to BabyCentre, baba now weighs approximately 660g and is about 35cm long from crown to heel and he/she is now starting to gain some baby fat. Can I get a big massive 'awwwwwwwww'? Last week I hit the magic 24 weeks, which means that my pregnancy is now considered 'viable' and if I went into labour now the baby would have a fair chance of survival. How amazing is it that babies can survive these days from such an early stage. Thought I'd mention that seen as how it was World Prematurity Day yesterday. Sending all my love to all of those miracle babies out there.
Next Appointment
My 28 week appointment on 11th December - in which I'll have my blood taken and have the rest of the usual baby checks.
Much love x
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