Have you ever gone through your skincare/makeup stash and realised you own a huge amount of products from the same brand? It must mean something when you choose to try more and more of the same brand's products. I've become a firm fan of the Botanics range from Boots over the last few months so I thought I'd talk you through the products I've tried so far.
First up is the first product I ever tried from Botanics, their All Bright Soothing Eye Makeup Remover. What I really like about this is the fact it's separated into two layers (an oily layer and a water layer), that you have to shake to activate. The oil provides the make-up removing ingredients, while the water aims to soothe and condition the eye area. This does a great job at removing all eye make-up before cleansing. Next up is my absolute favourite cleanser ever. I've mentioned the Hot Cloth Cleansing Balm and my love for it countless times on my blog. I'm onto my 3rd tub of this stuff and I don't see why I would want to try any other way more expensive cleansing balms (Emma Hardie, I'm looking at you), when this one just agrees with my skin so well! After cleansing is of course, toning. The Botanics All Bright Cleansing Toner is suitable for all skin types and is great for that next step after cleansing to remove any remaining impurites and brighten the skin. After toning I now always use a facial oil and swear by them after finding out my skin was dehydrated. After turning to facial oils I can honestly say my skin has never been better. The Botanics 100% Organic Facial Oil is the most recent facial oil I've tried and it really keeps my skin well moisturised and keeps any dry patches (especially around my nose) at bay! Containing nourishing rosehip, this oil is proven to lock in moisture for 8hours, while softening and restoring the skin to it's natural glow. I absolutely adore this product (like the other facial oils I've tried), but the one thing I don't like about this oil in particular is the smell. I thought I'd get used to it but I haven't yet. But hey, when it makes my makeup glide on like a dream, I really can't complain too much. Last but not least, is the newest addition to my Botanics stash, the All Bright Hydrating Day Cream. This is a lovely, light cream aimed at normal/dry skin that sinks into the skin (after using the oil, of course), and leaves my face looking much more awake and all round well looked after. Botanics offer quite a few different day creams for different skin types etc, so have a good look at them all first if you're considering this brand.
Can you tell I'm a huge fan of Botanics? I honestly can't fault them as a brand from what I've tried. They're really affordable and are pretty much always on offer. Also, Boots usually send out Advantage Card vouchers through the post that often feature some sort of Botanics offer to give extra points or whatever.
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