My blog seems to have taken a back seat recently, what with Christmas and a 15 month old to run around after... I seem to have let it all get on top of me and have been struggling to get back into it. There seems to be so much I want to blog about, that I haven't known where to start. I figured showing you all the beauty bits I got for Christmas seemed like a good place to start!
*Boring disclaimer alert* - I'm not in any way bragging/showing off with the pressies I got, just simply that I love reading what other people got so thought it would be a fun post to do. Sorry about the amount of photos.. I got excited!
I won't go through them all or I'll be here all day - I'll stick to the beauty bits...
Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual |
Soap&Glory The Yule Monty Gift Bag |
Origins Merry Moisturisers Gift Set |
Benefit Hot2Trot Gift Set |
LUSH Out Of This World Gift Set |
RiRi <3 MAC Bad Girl Gone Good Blusher |
Woohooo!! Finally got the Urban Decay NAKED 1!!! |
None beauty related but I couldn't leave these out, 2 more to add to my ever growing Disney collection :) ...
Sorry again for all of the photos, I got carried away! I'm so chuffed with the gifts I received this year; A makeup manual to rival all others; the annual Soap&Glory must-have set; A set of Origins lovelies, my first ever Benefit boxed blush, an amazing smelling LUSH gift set; Limited Edition Riri <3 MAC blusher, THE palette that everyone who is anyone should own, Body Shop goodies; for the child at heart - Disney blurays; pyjamas, dressing gown, slipper socks, clothes, a satchel, a bracelet, Black Cherry Large Yankee Candle, a Gregg's Gift Card (lol) a bottle of amaretto & not to mention money and a crazy amount of choc/sweets! heheh!!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2014.
Here's a cheeky little photo of my boy George opening some of his presents on Christmas morning...
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