A UK Beauty, Lifestyle & Parenting Blog

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Starting Off Project! #theSOproject

After just casually browsing twitter and stalking many many blogs - like I do on a regular basis, I suddenly stumbled across the hashtag #theSOproject.  I clicked on it just because I'm a nosey bugger and it introduced me to an amazing new idea which I cannot wait to get involved with.  The idea came from Steph over at Stephs Inside Voice, who decided that the amount of products out there and the different ways to use them is quite overwhelming and baffling (especially for beginners), so she came up with the wonderful idea to start off a series in which as many beauty bloggers as possible create a post each week according that week's specific topic of makeup or skincare.  These posts will aim to help and give tips on how to use certain products and even highlight that bloggers favourite products. I'll explain the details below and hopefully this will get even more bloggers involved. Given that I have only been blogging for a couple of months, this is so PERFECT for me.  I've already learnt so much already (and helped a few I hope) and can't wait to learn more and also put my two pence in!!

(These are mostly Steph's words...)

The aim of this project is to try to reach out to younger teens, or even those just deciding to start out with make up, giving them advice and helping them along the way with their beauty adventure!  This includes me!  The series is set to run for 10 weeks:
•    WEEK 1: skincare
•    WEEK 2: concealer
•    WEEK 3: foundation 
•    WEEK 4: bronzer 
•    WEEK 5: blusher 
•    WEEK 6: mascara
•    WEEK 7: eyeliner
•    WEEK 8: eyeshadow
•    WEEK 9: lip gloss/stick
•    WEEK 10: makeup tools

The title of each post should be: Starting off: (Week title) e.g. Starting Off: Skincare.

Each post should include the following;
•    Outline of the product i.e. what it's used for
•    How to apply/use it/them
•    Some of your favourites with links on where to puchase them
•    Photos

The series will start on Tuesday 27th August (My Birthdayyy, ha!) with all posts going live at 6pm (UK time). It would be fab if we could all get our posts out at 6pm each Tuesday and make this project go twitter crazy!

So if you would like to get involved simply email Steph at stephsinsidevoice@gmail.com.

As you can tell, I'm really excited to get started with this!
Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and on Bloglovin' to keep up to date with my part of the project!


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